From Ringing a Cash Register to Ringing a Smartphone

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We used to talk about advertising campaigns in terms of what would “ring the cash register.”  Now retailers are looking at other ways to take an order, like via mobile and desktop computers.  Here is an interesting study about what retailers are thinking about offering consumers in the future.

From the article:

Providing more flexible purchase and fulfillment options also topped the list of to-dos for retailers. And within this category, mobile is an important piece. Motorola Solutions found that although only 39% of retailers enabled shoppers to buy on mobile, then ship to home, 59% planned to do so by 2017. Currently 29% of surveyed retailers said they enabled consumers to buy on mobile and pick up in-store. However, 58% said they will offer that option by 2017.

There is a lot to learn from this study.  The first is that retailers are reacting to consumers.  Consumers have been changing the way they research and buy constantly since the advent of the world wide web.  Retailers know they have to adjust to consumers researching online before they buy and now showrooming where they research in a local store and buy on their smartphone a national etailer or another nearby retailer.

Unfortunately, most retailers are overwhelmed by all of the changes in technology which becomes an opportunity for smart brand managers.  If you can fill the void, and you can, with great digital content that you host and maintain for the retailers for their website or on a mobile site for them, you’ll get more consumers looking at your brand than your competitors.

Retailers need help and when you fill the void it’s your cash register that really rings.



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