Local Radio Spending Still Music to Our Ears

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Here’s a new report about the increase in local and national radio revenue in the third quarter of 2010.

While National is up a larger percentage than Local, the big dollars are still at the local level.   This report fits in with everything else we’ve seen about the shift of local advertising dollars away from print to other things.  The most popular landing spot for those dollars has been online advertising but radio is still moving in the right direction.

The reason for increased radio spending is that, according to a study from Edison Research, for ages 12-24 radio is the second most popular way to learn about new music, only “from friends” beats it.

Helping your retailers spend their advertising dollars more effectively is all about helping them pick medium winners from losers.  While print is still important, it is not the mainstay it once was and providing advice, tools and co-op dollars to help your retailers react to that fact will go a long way to helping them sell more of your products.

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