JCPenney Catalog ROI Finally Hits Bottom and They Stop the Presses

Home » Blog » JCPenney Catalog ROI Finally Hits Bottom and They Stop the Presses

JCPenney recently announced they are going to quit printing their big semi-annual catalogs and replace them with a more integrated approach to marketing (internet) and smaller catalogs throughout the year.


From what I can tell they’ve been printing this catalog for the past 36 years and many old-timers are going to miss what was at times a catalog 1,500 pages thick.

Here’s what they say in their press release:


Catalogs like this one for some people still have meaning and I’m sure people still order based on what they see in the catalog.   The problem is that it’s a diminishing number of people who only use catalogs and the costs to produce, print, mail and warehouse just doesn’t lead to a good ROI anymore.   Especially when you consider how good the internet is at demonstrating products and how easy it can be updated, for a lot less money.

Sorry to see you go old girl, but not too much of what is printed today can withstand the force of an internet ROI.


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