Cost-per-Lead Benchmark Study

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The better our metrics become the more we realize how precious each lead is.  Here is a benchmark study from Pontiflex that you may find helpful when measuring your own program.


They define basic fields as first name, last name, e-mail address and postal address.  Premium information is telephone number, social networking username, geo-targeted information and other custom questions.

From what I can tell in the study they didn’t include the cost of the premium offer, or newsletter or whatever other device used to encourage the consumer to give up the information.

And, I’m not sure how I like the definitions of basic vs. premium as postal address seems harder to get and more valuable than a twitter name.

No matter the definitions $2.27 is a significant cost and what a brand does after they get that information is the real question.  Almost every company I’ve worked with laments about the thousands of names they have in their database that they never do anything with.

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