Dealer Microsites and the Network Effect

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There are a lot of advantages for a brand to provide microsites for their dealers.

In addition to controlling the brand message and insuring the most up-to-date information is available to consumers there is also the network effect.

If you have to contact dealers individually to get your information on their site or on their landing pages it’s like having hundreds of different phone systems requiring you to use a different phone for each dealer.  What a mess.


If on the other hand you can provide microsites used by all your dealers on their sites, on your dealer locator results page and for their Local Search landing pages, you then have a network with many good effects.

network-effectWith a network you can use one system to post national promotions to every microsite, or post regional promotions to one city and you can post just to your A level dealers.  All of this can be done instantly without having to pay any publication costs to newspapers or television stations.

The longer you wait to institute a dealer microsite program the harder it will be to do it because your competitor will beat you to it or your dealers will build their own expensive systems forcing you to communicate via their system.

Now is the time for a dealer microsite program for your independent dealers.

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