by John Sullivan
JGSullivan Interactive, Inc.
One of the biggest problems with brand sites today is that they leave the consumer to fend for themselves to find the right local dealer or worse yet send the consumer to the dealer’s website that is often times loaded with competitive information. It’s like putting a poster for your competitor’s product on your product in the store. Not too smart.
The first step is to get your dealer database right, including brands authorized to sell. If you send a consumer to the wrong store you can forget about that sale and many more to come.
The newest thinking is to build microsites, on behalf of the dealers, that are loaded with your product information. That way you link from your dealer locator to your complete site where the dealer’s name and contact information is on every page.
If done right, you will automatically keep this site up-t0-date as you update your brand site, and now you have a platform for communicating national, regional and even local promotions.
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