Ad Builders Add Digital Outputs to Reach More Consumers Online

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We’ve been building ad builders for major brand companies since 1997 and we’re now finally seeing RFPs that are asking for the ad builders to do more than just build traditional pieces.


This chart is an over simplification of what is being done but it will give you an idea of what we are seeing going on in the market place.

Because more consumers are researching online it only makes sense to deliver a sale’s message where buyers are looking.  So, instead of just merging brand content with dealer information to make a newspaper ad, why not also spin a landing page for a Google local adword campaign or a dealer landing page for the dealer locator.   Same content just a different output.  And, with online content there is either a greatly reduced or nonexistent publishing cost.

Interestingly too, we’re seeing that an ad builder works best if it does both, that is, traditional and digital outputs.  If it only does traditional we’re missing out on 70% of consumers who research online before making a durable goods purchase.  If we only do digital output we neglect what is still a substantial part of a dealer’s advertising spend and risk making the dealer work to hard to solve his everyday advertising needs.  A dealer needs one online tool to do it all.

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