Traditional Media Ad Spend Continues to Decrease

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The transition from traditional media to digital continues to move as about one third of marketers surveyed expect to decrease their focus on print newspaper advertising in 2013 according to a recent article on

Decrease in tradtional media xxpense

The reason for the decrease is so that marketers can spend more money on digital media.

As marketers deal with an increasingly fractured media landscape, they will  continue to shift their focus away from traditional media to digital channels,  according to a poll of US marketing professionals conducted by Inavero for staffing firm Aquent and the American Marketing Association (AMA).

This isn’t very surprising as consumers have long ago moved online for everything from news to shopping to entertainment to social media.

What was most interesting about this article was the recognition of why it has taken so long for the focus to change to digital.

And while marketers expressed a clear understanding of the importance of digital  media and showed a determination to double down on many of their online and  mobile efforts, they also expressed trepidation about the speed at which  marketing can now change. Just over half of respondents, 54%, felt that their  marketing team was unable to handle new technologies and trends.

In our experience this is really what has been discouraging since about 1996.  Many marketing departments just don’t have the time and the staff to even think about the moves that are necessary to adjust to the changes in consumer behavior.  And, once they fall behind it gets even more difficult to catch up as new iterations of new media keep coming at an increasingly faster and faster pace.

The result is that millions of advertising dollars are being wasted on media that just doesn’t work anymore simply because it’s easier to do what was done last year than to dive into all the new options available today.

The solution is to partner with vendors who are passionate about new media and will help you navigate the many changes in consumer behavior.

 A budget is a terrible thing to waste.

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