Mobile Ad Revenue Mostly Coming From Local Advertisers

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It just makes sense that local advertisers will take advantage of mobile advertising more than national advertisers and this recent study from BIA Kelsey predicts just that.

You can read more on the BIA Kelsey site but here are the highlights:

– U.S. mobile local advertising will grow from $664 million in 2011 to $5.8 billion in 2016, a CAGR of 54.2%.

– Consistent with our classification of local media across categories, this is defined as advertising that is targeted based on a user’s location (much more nuanced in mobile).

– This represents a 0.6% share of 2011 local media advertising ($133B), growing to 3.1% of 2016 local media advertising ($147B)

– It also represents a 41% share of 2011 overall U.S mobile advertising ($1.6B) growing to 58% of 2016 mobile advertising ($9.9B)

– This share increase will come about as brand advertisers increasingly evolve their campaigns to the realities of mobile usage (50% of mobile search is local); and the native capabilities of the device (i.e. location targeting).

– We’ll also see mobile advertising move down market to SMBs through a combination of self-serve tools, and local media direct sales channels.

– Resulting ad volume growth will be compounded by premiums that develop for location-targeted ads — a function of higher performance that’s already evident through data shared by mobile ad networks.

– This performance is in turn due to higher relevance, immediacy and consumer buying intent, all of which are more prevalent in mobile than in many other print and digital media.

The key points are that mobile search works because it’s where nearby buyer meets nearby seller on purpose, advertising doesn’t get any better than that.

And, they predict that mobile advertising will move down market to SMBs through a combination of self-serve tools, and local media direct sales channels.

Creating the tools for retailers to take advantage of mobile is where great brands separate themselves from the competition.

Your ad builder or marketing portal should be smart enough to allow dealers to build mobile landing pages from your approved templates.  Templates that present your brand in a mobile friendly format and allow your dealers to add their unique local sales proposition.  The system should host and monitor these sites so you can track and react to how each template performs.

The technology is here, it’s time to take advantage of it.


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