Go Online, Then Go Shopping, Or Not.

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It never hurts to remind ourselves of the popularity of online research by consumers.  Here’s a survey that makes that point.

And, then again, it makes the point that 30% of consumers still don’t go online before they go shopping.  And, those that do research online, use a lot of different approaches.

If you’re in charge of advertising a brand locally through dealers, then you  have to be smart about a wide variety of media and techniques.  It’s a lot more difficult then simply providing radio scripts and ad slicks.  You have to help with local search, social media, SEO, mobile, email, ecommerce, microsites and more.  And, if that sounds daunting to you, imagine how your retailers feel.

The only way to address the issues of today and to be ready to change quickly to the next thing is to have a powerful online marketing communications portal that does most of the work for your retailers.  Only in an online system can you keep up with all of the changes in advertising (like Google + adding business pages this week), protect your brand and inexpensively deliver the assets and insights retailers need today.

And, because it’s online, you can track every click along the way.

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