Walmart Goes Local on Facebook

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The way we think about local advertising is changing every day and here’s a really smart idea from Walmart that makes that point.   From the Walmart national Facebook page a consumer enters their zip and finds their local store and local deals.

The promotions a consumer finds on their local Walmart page are controlled by corporate and by the local store.  So corporate marketing makes sure all of the relevant promotions are sent to the right store,  no matter if the store manager is paying attention or not.  Then the local store manager has the ability to add local promotions that are relevant to their specific store to further boost their sales.

This idea makes sense for lots of brands.  It’s a lot like traditional media advertising except for one big difference, there isn’t a charge for the media.  It’s free and that’s a big difference!!

In fact, it’s better than free media because it can be changed so quickly and easily from an online dashboard.  So the idea of changing promotions daily or even hourly becomes a reality.

Imagine your local retailers having a tab on their Facebook page for your brand where you can publish the appropriate national and regional promotions and your retailer can add his information and promotions.

It’s a lot cheaper, better and faster than traditional media and it’s here today.

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