Google Still Owns Search, Thank Goodness

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It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a report on search engine market share and now that I see one, I see that not much has changed.

Here’s the latest report from Experian Hitwise for last month.  Google dominates at 66.12%.  Google is going up, everyone else is losing market share.

I think when Bing first hit the Internet Google had just about the same market share as they have today.

In a way this is good news for brand managers who are trying to help local retailers move some of their (and brand co-op dollars) to digital media.  It’s a complicated process to buy local search when compared to the more mature traditional media buying process.

So, it’s helpful that Google dominates search so we can all spend our time helping retailers with Google without having to divide dollars and attention to multiple engines.

And, the best place to help retailers is in your ad builder or marcom site.  The technology is here today for you to make this a turnkey solution for your retailers, as you track every dollar and click along the way.  Thank Goodness.


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