It’s the Landing Page, Stupid

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So often we see brand managers willing to provide banner ad designs for their retailers or even co-op banner ad development and placement, while ignoring the landing page behind the banner ad or adword campaign.

This study shows us that moms are more interested in the product than they are about anything else, thank goodness.  And, you can’t learn much about a product from a banner ad.

Spending a lot of time on providing a great looking banner ad is important but the real value is in the landing page where mom gets to learn all about your products and brand.  Co-oping the cost of the banner ad and ignoring what happens on the landing page is a big mistake that lots of brands are making.

The best way to solve this problem is to allow your retailers to build a brand friendly landing page (microsite) right  from your ad builder.  You should host the landing page, track it and report back to the dealer (and yourself) what worked and what didn’t.

It’s the landing page that sells your products, protects your brand and measures the success of your ad campaign.


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