YahFace Changes Everything?

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It looks like today is the day that Yahoo integrates more closely with Facebook to make both sites more popular and therefore more valuable to advertisers.  The idea seems to be that now you can go to Yahoo.com and access your Facebook interactions right alongside the news, weather and other RSS feeds you’ve organized for yourself on your Yahoo portal.

facebook-ad-impressions1Here’s what the display ad impressions world looks like before the integration takes place.   Going forward as consumers access Facebook through Yahoo, the Yahoo total impressions will go up and Facebook’s too, as somewhat casual Facebook users will be encouraged via Yahoo to do more.  The sites will feed off of each other.

So what this means to local advertisers is that Fan Pages are going to become more popular and the value for building a Fan Page and advertising on Facebook are going to increase for your retailers.

The challenge for you, a brand manager, is to make sure as retailers promote your brand online they have the right tools to do it the right way.  Leaving dealers to their own devices can be a dangerous oversight.

The best solution is to have an online ad builder for your retailers that helps them with traditional media and online media.  Newspaper ads to Fan Pages…and be ready for whatever comes next.

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