Social Media Still Hard to Evaluate

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If you’ve been keeping an eye on social media, knowing that it is something big but not knowing how it will change and what a reasonable ROI is, you’re not alone.

First, is it working for anyone yet?

social-media-roiOk, this tell us that some companies think it’s working but still most can’t find a way to prove that it’s helping to ring the cash register.

The obstacles to a successful implementation of a social media strategy vary widely.


We still think that social media is worth watching but not worth focusing on until you have the really powerful online ROI programs up and running.  My favorite example is to ask how well are you converting your current site visitors into sales?  Most companies lose their best customers at the dealer locator results page by sending consumers to sites loaded with competitive information or just giving a white page listing.  Or, are your dealers using local Google adwords?  Trust me, the ROI on local Google adwords is phenomenal.    The list of proven ROI winners is very long so the best idea is to fix what you know will help and just keep an eye on everything else, especially social and mobile.

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