Why Consumers Want to Be Your Friend

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Marketing Sherpa recently released a survey about why consumers friend or follow companies on social sites.

The good news is that the most popular reason is the same as it is for why they go to Google.  Consumers are looking for your products, price, promotion and service.   And, most often service means a local retailer.


Recently we’ve seen several RFPs for our Ad Builder that go beyond allowing retailers to build newspaper ads and other traditional media to requesting functionality for building digital outputs.

Banner ad landing pages, Google landing pages and more are very popular and it may not be long before you’ll also want your retailers to be able to build fan pages that you can link consumers too.

The technology is changing but the consumers want the same old things.   They want to know about your product, its price, are there any promotions and where can they buy it and who will service it.

That they are looking for those things online is a good thing because it’s actually much easier to deliver this information online than via traditional media.

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