In-Store Mobile Product Browsing Growing

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Local advertising is continuing to change as consumers find new ways to shop for products.  Here’s a recent report that shows how consumers are using their phones to research products while they are in the store.

This shows that since 2009 there has been a 78% growth in consumers using their phone to research products while they are in the store.

As a marketer, have you adapted your efforts to match this phenomenal change?

One way to help your consumers, your dealers and your brand is to add mobile outputs to your ad builder.  Right now you certainly allow your retailers to customize brand friendly templates in your ad builder for newspaper ads, direct mail pieces and the other traditional outputs.

The technology is here so that you can also allow retailers to create mobile promotional pages.  You should host these pages too, so you can track the results, for your benefit and the dealers.

Local advertising is changing very quickly and you have to adapt or risk becoming irrelevant.

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